Grace Church in Salem
Other Services
The sacraments of The Episcopal Church include Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Confession, Anointing and Burial of the Dead. All baptized Christians may receive communion and, after training, may be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Marriage at Grace Church requires that you attend three pre-marital sessions, desire a religious service, and are willing to make a commitment to the community at Grace Church. All marriages are at the discretion of the Rector.

Throughout the year, there are many events and seasons which are observed at Grace Church. Below are just a few of the examples of these services. Many can be viewed on our Facebook page
- The Chalking of the Doors for Epiphany
- An Observance of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Feast Day
- The Feast of the Presentation: Candlemas
- Ash Wednesday (If not in February)
- St. Patrick's Service
- Maundy Thursday (if not in March)
- Good Friday (if not in March)
- Easter Vigil (if not in March)
- Juneteenth Observance
- Pride Month Observance
- St. Francis Observance & Blessing of the Animals
- All Saints' Sunday
- Thanksgiving Service
- A Visit from St. Nicholas
- Blue Christmas (The Longest Night)
- Pickup Christmas Pageant
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day