Grace Church in Salem
Current Actions
Abundant Life Garden:
The Abundant Life Garden Project® curriculum is an interactive, Scripture-based children’s faith formation program developed to share the work of Episcopal Relief & Development with elementary school-aged students, and to allow them to engage in this work themselves.
This program invites children to explore the agricultural mission of Episcopal Relief & Development through six thematic lessons: Water, Seeds, Soil, Animals, Harvest and Celebration. Not only do the children learn about other cultures and rural living often in poverty, they grow their own garden and give 100% of the harvest to the local homeless shelter. This partnership takes place from May through September.
Those involved with the anti-racism work at Grace Church strive to offer opportunities for people to learn about the characteristics of White culture and its impact on all. Here are just some of the ways everyone can engage in this at Grace Church:
In the past, retreats have allowed participants to reflect on how one breathes love, wears love, and sheds those things that prevent love to bring about peace and justice.
Advent and Lenten Calendars are available for daily meditations on how to become an Anti-Racist.
A Little Free Anti-Racist Library for Families and Children.
A study of Black poets.
Annual Juneteenth service. Click here for a video of this service.
Anti-Racism Training through the Diocese of Massachusetts.
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem "Our Kids Club":
Beginning in January of 2023, this wonderful organization began sharing space with Grace Church. A state-approved program, licensed by Early Education & Care of the Massachusetts Department of Education, it recognizes that adults play an important role in young members’ social, emotional and brain development. Grace Church has knitted warm hats for all the kids, let them pull apart some computers to see what's inside, and offered support to the BGCGS staff.
LGBTQ+ Ally:
Grace Church is a welcoming and affirming congregation. The parish is a participant in the Pride Parade in Salem and also in the Interfaith Pride Service. A worship service is also offered at Grace Church each year near the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.